Monday, June 17, 2019

Cremation Jewelry: Things You Need to Know

Do you wish to keep your loved one close to your heart even after their death? Then, a practical solution for that is to get cremation ashes jewelry that holds a part of the ashes of your lost one. It could either be immediate family, extended family, friend or even a pet.

The place that they hold in our lives is so strong that even a small tangible part of them makes you feel like you are still closely connected. Memorial or remembrance jewelry can either be in the form of rings, pendants or urns, bracelets or even key-chains.

How are They Designed?
Cremation jewelry for ashes is intricately crafted with hidden inner compartments to securely hold a nominal amount of the ashes of a deceased one. It is a special way to show honor and respect to your favorite one. You can choose a shape and design that appeals to you or makes you remember the person the most.  Modest designs are available in large numbers and varieties all over the internet.
There are many retailers nowadays who are specialized in designing cremation jewelry. Once the customer hands over the cremated ashes, they especially and delicately incorporate it into the selected jewelry model. Ideally, the process takes around 6 to 8 weeks of time. The idea of having a piece of cremation jewelry around you throughout the time probably brings about a sense of comfort of closeness with the deceased one.

It is one way for a person to deal with the grief and sadness associated with death.

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